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1 gallon water = 231 cubic inches = 8.333 pounds
1 pound of water = 27.7 cubic inches
1 cubic foot water = 7.5 gallons = 62.5 pounds (salt water weighs approximately 64.3 pounds per cubic foot)
Pounds per square inch at bottom of a column of water = height of column in feet x .434
1 miner's inch = 9 to 12 gallons per minute

Horsepower to Raise Water

If pumping liquid other than water, multiply the gallons per minute below by the liquid's specific gravity

Horsepower = (Gallons per minute x total head in feet) / 3960

Gallons Per Minute through a Pipe

GPM = .0408 x pipe diameter inches (squared) x feet/minute water velocity

Weight of Water in a Pipe

Pounds water = pipe length feet x pipe diameter inches (squared) x .34

Distance (inches) Gallons per Minute Discharge for a Given Nominal Pipe Diameter (inches)
5 6 8 10 12
5 163 --- --- --- ---
6 195 285 --- --- ---
7 228 334 580 --- ---
8 260 380 665 1060 ---
9 293 430 750 1190 1660
10 326 476 830 1330 1850
11 360 525 915 1460 2020
12 390 570 1000 1600 2220
13 425 620 1080 1730 2400
14 456 670 1160 1860 2590
15 490 710 1250 2000 2780
16 520 760 1330 2120 2960
17 550 810 1410 2260 3140
18 590 860 1500 2390 3330
19 620 910 1580 2520 3500
20 650 950 1660 2660 3700
21 685 1000 1750 2800 3890
22 720 1050 1830 2920 4060
23 750 1100 1910 3060 4250
24 --- 1140 2000 3200 4440

This table is intended for general reference and general applicability only, and should not be relied upon as the sole or precise source of information available with respect to the subject covered. The user should also refer to and follow manufacturer’s specific instructions and recommendations with regard to such information, where they exist.

Flow of water through 100 foot lengths of hose, Straight-Smooth Bore - U.S. Gallons per minute

PSI at Hose Inlet Nominal Hose ID Diameters - Inches
1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 6"
20 26 47 76 161 290 468 997 2895
30 32 58 94 200 360 582 1240 3603
40 38 68 110 234 421 680 1449 4209
50 43 77 124 264 475 767 1635 4748
60 47 85 137 291 524 846 1804 5239
75 53 95 154 329 591 955 2035 5910
100 62 112 180 384 690 1115 2377 6904
125 70 126 203 433 779 1258 2681 7788
150 77 139 224 478 859 1388 2958 8593
200 90 162 262 558 1004 1621 3455 10038